Computer Vision Syndrome. Get Rid of It!
Does Computer Vision Syndrome or CVS ring a bell? It refers to eye problems and vision discomfort that may appear after spending many hours in front of our computers, tablets and phones. Check out more about it here!
What are blue light glasses and do they really work?
Should I wear blue light glasses? What is blue light? Check out the answers to these common doubts and discover the benefits of wearing computer glasses!
Computer Glasses: Do We Really Need Them?
Check out the reasons why computer glasses are becoming increasingly popular. Discover their benefits and Barner’s computer reading glasses collection!
Digital Eye Strain: Understanding What Causes It
Digital Eye Strain is a very common syndrome that can easily be prevented with a few tricks. Check out what can be triggering your eye fatigue and how to get rid of it!
Sleep glasses. For a better night’s rest!
Have you heard that scrolling through your social media feeds just before going to sleep can have a negative impact on your sleep quality?
Click here to learn what you can do to ensure a better night’s sleep every day!