Anti-glare glasses
Technology has brought us lots of amazing tools: We can now always be connected, get instantaneous information, and contact anybody anywhere in the world, just to name a few examples. However, technology has also invited screens into our lives, and with screens, we’ve discovered the effects of glare.
What are anti-glare glasses?
Anti-glare glasses are a very efficient solution to protect our eyes from reflections and glare. Also known as anti-reflective coating (AR Coating) glasses, these types of glasses are specifically designed to help us reduce eye strain caused by Computer Vision Syndrome and overexposure to blue light.
What exactly is screen glare and how do we avoid it? Here’s what we should know!

What is screen glare?
There’s probably no need to explain in detail: We have all experienced it. That feeling of intense light tiring our eyes when focusing for long periods of time on a screen. Any kind of screen can create an annoying glare: from computers and tablets, to cellphones and TVs.
Glare happens when the light that our eyes receive from the screens is stronger than the light our eyes are adapted to. Basically, according to the Lighting Research Center NLPIP [1] glare is a “visual sensation caused by excessive and uncontrolled brightness”.
The effects are quickly noticeable: dry eyes, eye discomfort, and headaches.
This kind of glare is known as discomfort glare [2], in contrast to disability glare, which can be caused by eye conditions and reduced vision.
Screen glare is more than just how we’ve set the brightness of our screen, as it is also the reflection that our screens emit, sometimes due to the natural light coming in, or due to artificial blue light.
Some of the most common causes for glare are: poor lighting in our surroundings; not being at the right distance from our digital devices, and even the quality of our screens. (Check the best way to sit properly at your desk!)

Anti-glare glasses: How do they work?
Anti-glare glasses efficiently eliminate reflection directly from our lenses. A small thin film is applied to the front and back surfaces of the lenses, which improves light transmittance by reducing reflections and glare.
AR coating applied on glasses not only makes the lenses less reflective, but it also diminishes the side effects of screen glare on our eyes.

Do anti-glare glasses protect from computer screens?
This particular type of glasses only focuses on reducing the glare effect, while computer glasses, also called blue light glasses, add an extra layer of protection against artificial blue light.
AR lenses are designed so they let in more light than non-AR lenses. By allowing more light to enter, these kinds of lenses allow for an improved vision (with higher contrasts).
There are definite benefits to using anti-reflective (AR) glasses:
- For digital use: They greatly reduce vision stress caused by screen glare.
- For driving at night: They protect us from the harsh and sudden glare you might encounter while driving at nighttime.
- They are also often considered to be more aesthetic lenses as they allow other people to see our eyes more clearly.
Barner’s collection has been thoughtfully designed with high-quality CR-39 lenses that efficiently block 100% of the blue light under 410nm and 45% of the blue light on the 410nm-450nm spectrum.
Our lenses reduce the glare from our screens by reflecting the blue light emitted by our digital devices and also by absorbing it.
Discover our digital protection glasses: They are not only highly durable, but also professional, stylish, light-weight, and we even have ranges for kids as well as adults.

Our sources:
[2] RNIB